Luxury Programmatic

Using our programmatic targeting we can reach specific HNW and UHNW individuals as they consume media from luxury print publications (such as Harper’s Bazaar, Bloomberg, The Rake, Vogue, etc) through to connected TV, podcasts, native social and Digital Out Of Home. 


However, what makes us truly unique within the luxury space is the targeting that we can layer over the top to ensure we’re focused on the right individuals.
Through our relationship with MasterCard, we know a lot about consumer spending patterns across Europe. We can find people who have either recently purchased a particular luxury brand (De Beers, Aston Martin, etc.), or those who fit into the top 10% of apparel purchases across Europe. 

Not only this, but we know who they are down to a postcode level. This gives us huge power when aligning brands and targeting ‘like’ audiences.


This niche approach allows us to micro-target our clients’ wealth audience when we build our media plans, with a sharp focus on driving end performance. 

Where other agencies might be able to target a geographical region (for example, Chelsea – population 150k) we can distill this to the very few that:

  • Are in the market for our client’s product or service
  • Have the right attributes (high spenders in a specific category) or recently purchased similar brands
  • Meet location criteria across Europe and the US
  • Have shown intent for the product or service or have been researching around the product’s USPs


We then couple this targeting with our creative expertise to ensure we develop a compelling brand narrative as well as beautiful creative to help engage our audiences in the right manner.
Using high-impact formats including video and homepage takeovers, we ensure our client’s message is communicated in the most compelling manner.

To find out more about our programmatic service for luxury brands, please get in touch.

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